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I dnt understand the law
I jst dnt undrstnd the law i have tried i would like 2 b abl 2 find out if im stil abl 2 get ma atacker charged as my atack hapend 12 years ago thre was alcohol involvd i also thnk i was spiked. As i ended up unconcious & woke wth hm raping me which he done repeatedly for 13 hours along wth using other instrumnts on me bt becaus i was blaking out there are so many blank bits i dont evn kno exactly wher i was kept i know i was in a flat. this campaign is great does an1 kno how i find out if remembrd enough?
Author: Aly, Female, Scotland
Date: 30/08/2010
Replies to this post
You can definitely still speak to the police if you decide you want to report this Aly. If you want to talk it through with someone beforehand, you can call the Rape Crisis Scotland helpline any night between 6pm and midnight. The number is 08088 01 03 02. It's free and completely confidential.
Author: Rape Crisis Scotland
Date: 30/08/2010
Thankyou 4 that i hav been talking wth RCC im on waitng list 2 get my own suport worker 2 help me feel i need this suport as i have no famly where i live. I was advised i would be able 2 talk 2 polic without making a statement 2 find ot if iv rembrd enuf details. RCC hav said they could arange it but i dont realy want 2 wait 14 weeks til i get asigned my own worker. Do u thnk this is somthing i could arange myself 2 do @ police station? I would urge any1 reading ths 2 use services@ RCS the help is out ther
Author: Aly, Female, Scotland
Date: 31/08/2010
Hi Aly,
Can you write to us at info@rapecrisisscotland.org.uk? We will try to help you out with this.
Author: Rape Crisis Scotland
Date: 31/08/2010
hi aly,
i am sure you can. just go in or phone them i am sure they will do anything in there power to help you, it is definetly worth a try and i am sorry to here about what happened.
Author: sharlene, Female, lanarkshire
Date: 16/09/2010
I've also bn thru this horrible situation, i would recomend u contact SAVI- sexual assault victims initiative in east kilbride, as thats who i am working with 0800 622 6986 - as i think 14weeks is too long for you to wait for your own support worker, they can help you with everything regarding your assault, and even go to police with you. please consider it. j. Take Care. xx
Author: j, Female, e.k
Date: 21/09/2010
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Natasha, Female from Glasgow“Rape seems to be the only crime where it's seen as ok to put the victim on trial.”
Joss, Female from Connecticut“Short skirts don't cause rape. Rapists cause rape”
Helzo, Female from Renfrewshire“About time something like this was shown on TV. Hopefully it will make everyone realise there cannot be any excuse for rape - EVER.”